
Official UK government documents relating to personality disorder.

Personality disorders – capabilities framework. UK Department of Health (DH) guide for PD worker training, 2005.

PD No longer a diagnosis of exclusion. DH implementation guidance, 2004.

Learning the lessons. Report on the National PD development project in England, 2007.

Recognising complexity. DH commissioning guidance for PD, 2009.

Innovation in Action. DH commissioned report from 2011. Details background to the DH community PD development project and assesses the impact of the 11 community PD pilots.

PD pathway implementation plan – impact assessment.Ministerial document from 2011 outlining the reasons for the end of the DSPD programme and the implementation of the PD pathway.

Meeting the challenge, making a difference. Community PD management handbook, published by DH in 2014.

National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) documents. 

CG 78: Borderline personality disorder clinical guideline

CG77: Antisocial personality disorder clinical guideline

QS88: Quality standard for ASPD and BPD.

Improving Access to Psychological Therapies (IAPT) documents

The IAPT initiative has expanded to include ‘Severe Mental Illness’ (SMI). This encompasses psychosis, bipolar disorder, and personality disorder. An overview can be found here.

The purpose is to increase access to NICE approved therapies through the IAPT structures. Three demonstration sites have been piloting IAPT overview for PD interventions, in Somerset, Haringey and Waltham Forest.

The IAPT initiative for PD has produced competency documents for delivery and supervision of therapy for personality disorder. The delivery competencies are available here. For competencies for supervision of PD work, go here, download the pdf labelled ‘supervision of client populations’ and go to page 8 where the PD specific competencies start.

Other useful documents

Personality development pathways – the ‘Personality Development Pathways tube map‘.