Additional News

Recent and current news.

Tier 4 personality disorder services specification out for consultation

The Tier 4 personality disorder draft specification is currently out for consultation. It can be found here. The Clinical Reference Group for this development has a website here. Consultation page is here.

PD Service development

Cambridge lifeline, a PD drop-in originally developed known as lifeline has had a reprieve following a campaign by users.

The Haven, one of the original DH pilots, was under threat of closure after the local CCG declined to fund it following the end of the DH personality disorder development project. It has now received alternative funding, and so the service will continue.

In 2009, Cumbria’s Itinerant Therapeutic Community won first prize in the eHealth Awards for best use of IT to promote patient safety. The NHS Trust which hosts the service may intend to change the model or disinvest in the service. The Trust has made an announcement about this here.

Growing Better Lives”, a spin-off social enterprise from the Thames Valley Initiative DH pilot project, won the Royal College of Psychiatrists 2014 Sustainability Award for its ‘greencare’ project in Slough. See for more information.

Berkshire Complex Needs Service is undergoing changes following a review. Winterbourne House therapeutic community is due to close and the house to be sold. The website has not yet been updated to reflect the changes. There is a campaign to prevent the closure here.

The Milton Keynes complex needs service appears to have closed at the beginning of 2015. No public information has been made available. There may be a replacement PD service.

NICE personality disorder quality standards published (June 2015). 

The Personality disorders quality standard (QS88) has been published on the NICE website . You can view the quality standard by following this link: Personality disorders: borderline and antisocial | Guidance and guidelines | NICE

The consultation comments were considered by the Quality Standards Advisory Committee (QSAC) and the minutes of this meeting are now available:

A summary of the consultation comments, prepared by the NICE quality standards team and the full set of consultation comments are also available:

Pathway Press, the newsletter of the NHS/NOMS Offender Personality Disorder pathway.

Issues of Pathway Press can be found below. Contributions for future editions are always welcome, so if you have a story to share, please contact

We always welcome contributions for future editions, so if you have a story to share, please contact

2018-04 Pathway Press edition 18 vFINAL

2018-01 Pathway Press edition 17 vFINAL

2017-07 Pathway Press edition 16 vFINAL

2017-03 Pathway Press edition 15 vFINAL




2015-10 PathwayPress edition 10 vFINAL

2015-06 Pathway Press edition 9 vFINAL

2014-12 Pathway Press edition 8 vFINAL

2014-08 Pathway Press edition 7 vFINAL

2014-04 Pathway Press edition 6 vFINAL

2013-12 Pathway Press edition 5 vFINAL

2013-07 Pathway Press edition 4 vFINAL

2013-03 Pathway Press edition 3 vFINAL

2012-11 Pathway Press edition 2 vFINAL

2012-08 Pathway Press Newsletter edition 1